Saturday 23 May 2009

I Know That You Know What I Did Last Summer

Our American 'tour' was to be the setting for one of mine and Monty's biggest ever falling-outs. Prior to this, we'd had only one minor squabble; a fracas concerning Monty's repeated misuse of the semicolon. On this occasion, however, it was an apparently innocuous nut-based snack product, which proved to be the trigger for a frenzied melee of truly biblical proportions.

When hunger struck me, just north of Shattuck, Oklahoma, I purchased a small bag of what I had assumed to be lightly salted cashews. Unbeknownst to me, however, their embellishment had gone far beyond a conservative dusting of salt; those cashews had been dealt a roasting - in honey! Whilst still unaware of the aforementioned besmirchment, I partook of said nibbles.

Suddenly, as if by low-carb magic, Monty appeared. After catching a glimpse of my offending nuts, he immediately dropped to his knees and began to holler loudly and beat his chest in violent lamentation. None of my perfectly feasible excuses were able to pacify Monty's turbulent angst, so I slipped some Rohypnol in his coffee and he slept like a baby 'til Utah.